Social & Cultural Effects

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  • NASA "Spinoffs" are technologies that have created jobs, preserved resources and saved lives throughout the world.
  • NASA's innovations have led to more than 1,600 technologies that have benefited society since 1976.
  • The Space Program has also influenced authors and writers of Movies and TV shows.

Influence on Society

The NASA Space Program has influenced our culture in momentous ways, yet we do not realize how much it affected us. The Space Program has influenced our movies, T.V. shows, books, music, musicals, public service programs and religion. It has made us paranoid of alien attacks and proud to be part of one of the most successful technologically advanced country on the planet.

Movies & TV

I want to believe poster

The influence of space travel is evident in the movies that have been successful over the last century. We've all seen a movie once in our lives that involves aliens or some sort of space-themed travel, Aliens vs. Predator, The Avengers, War of the Worlds, Men in Black revolves on themes of rogue aliens that come to harm humanity. Avatar is a movie that about a group of people that want to mine an alien planet for a mineral that supplies the future Earth with energy.

Recently there are companies that are looking at expanding their spheres of influence to mining asteroids. Science fiction requires a stretch of the imagination; space flight requires imagination and a leap. Television shows such as Star Trek, Lost in Space, Battle star Gallatica have all been influenced by the Space Program. There are so many things that have been influenced by the Space Program, books, arts, technology, and music to name a few. Catch a listen to, "Out of Space Love" by Group Crew 1. And you can hear the influence of hip hop and incorporation of space lyrics.

Illustration for the novel The War of the Worlds (HG Wells), showing a Martian fighting-machine battling with the warship Thunder Child.

Alien Invasion


The NASA Space Program has influenced our culture in momentous ways, yet we do not realize how much it affected us. The Space Program has influenced our movies, T.V. shows, books, music, musicals, public service programs and religion. It has made us paranoid of alien attacks and proud to be part of one of the most successful technologically advanced country on the planet.

When it comes to support for the space program economics and culture go hand in hand. During these times the reasoning behind support for space program is hard to understand. Though the total dollars spent on the space program is actually a small portion of the government's budget, many people believe that these dollars would be better spent on social programs. This kind of thinking being thought of as being short sighted since the spin-offs from the research conducted by the space industry affects all mankind.

Outer Space Religion

Xenu, the dictator of the Galactic Confederacy in Scientology (WM Fair Use)

There are some new age religions with thoughts, behaviors, and sentiments that gravitate around the conviction that salvation is to be found in outer space. The activities and ideas of the religion revolve connection to outer space. These activities may encompass both ritualistic behaviors, the production of scripture: space exploration, steps towards the colonization of space, or search for and communication with extraterrestrial life and intelligence.

The earth rotates more slowly on its axis in March than in September.